Summer Series
Please come and join us each Wednesday night as we examine how these leaders helped God's people during some very difficult times.
June 4 - Stephen Russell "Introduction for Judges"
June 18 - David Watson "All the Minor Judges"
June 25 - Gavin Williams "Ehud"
July 2 - Rickie Jenkins "Deborah"
July 9 - Travis Walker "Gideon Part 1 - Judges ch. 6"
July 16 - Jerry King "Gideon Part 2 - Judges ch. 7-8"
July 23 - Devan Harber "Abimelech"
July 30 - Reagan McClenney "Jephthah"
August 6 - Paul Hammons "Samson"
August 13 - Drew Nelson "Ruth"
August 20 - Hunter Allen "Eli"
August 27 - Tim Jennings "Samuel"