Bible Classes

Bible Classes

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  Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
Exodus  40 10/27/24 Exodus 40 Mark Roberts N/A Bible Study (Mark's class) 2024-10-27_Exodus_40_-_Mark_Roberts.mp3
Fruit of the Spirit - Class 17 10/27/24 Fruit of the Spirit - Class 17 Billy Harrington N/A Bible Study (Alternate) 2024-10-27_-_Fruit_of_the_Spirit_-_Class_17.mp3
Romans 2-3 10/23/24 Romans 2-3 Mark Roberts N/A Wednesday Night 2024-10-23_-_Romans_2-3.mp3
Fruit of the Spirit - Class 16 10/23/24 Fruit of the Spirit - Class 16 Billy Harrington N/A Wednesday Night 2024-10-23_-_Fruit_of_the_Spirit_-_Class_16.mp3
The Just Shall Live by Faith 10/20/24 The Just Shall Live by Faith Myles Hester N/A Bible Study (Alternate) 2024-10-20_The_Just_Shall_Live_By_Faith_-_Miles_Hester.mp3
Fruit of the Spirit - Class 15 10/20/24 Fruit of the Spirit - Class 15 Billy Harrington N/A Bible Study (Alternate) 2024-10-20_-_Fruit_of_the_Spirit_-_Class_15.mp3
Romans 1 & 2 10/16/24 Romans 1 & 2 Mark Roberts N/A Wednesday Night 2024-10-16_-_Romans_1-2.mp3
Fruit of the Spirit - Class 14 10/16/24 Fruit of the Spirit - Class 14 Billy Harrington N/A Wednesday Night 2024-10-16_-_Fruit_of_the_Spirit_-_Class_14.mp3
Exodus 39 10/13/24 Exodus 39 Mark Roberts N/A Bible Study (Mark's class) 2024-10-13_Exodus_39_-_Mark_Roberts.mp3
Fruit of the Spirit - Class 13 10/13/24 Fruit of the Spirit - Class 13 Billy Harrington N/A Bible Study (Alternate) 2024-10-09_-_Fruit_of_the_Spirit_-_Class_13.mp3
Fruit of the Spirit - Class 12 10/09/24 Fruit of the Spirit - Class 12 Billy Harrington N/A Bible Study (Alternate) 2024-10-09_-_Fruit_of_the_Spirit_-_Class_12.mp3
Romans 1 & 2 10/09/24 Romans 1 & 2 Mark Roberts N/A Bible Study (Mark's class) 2024-10-09_-_Romans_1_and_2.mp3
Fruit of the Spirit - Class 11 10/07/24 Fruit of the Spirit - Class 11 Billy Harrington N/A Bible Study (Alternate) 2024-10-06_-_Fruit_of_the_Spirit_-_Class_11.mp3
Exodus 36-40 10/06/24 Exodus 36-40 Mark Roberts N/A Bible Study (Mark's class) 2024-10-06_Exodus_37-38_-_Mark_Roberts.mp3
Fruit of the Spirit - Class 10 10/02/24 Fruit of the Spirit - Class 10 Billy Harrington N/A Wednesday Night 2024-10-02_-_Fuit_of_the_Spirit_-_Class_10.mp3
Romans 1 10/02/24 Romans 1 Mark Roberts N/A Wednesday Night 2024-10-02_-_Romans_1.mp3
John-  Chapters 20-21 09/29/24 John- Chapters 20-21 Rusty Miller N/A Bible Study (Alternate) 2024-09-29_John_20-21_-_Rusty_Miller.mp3
Fruit of the Sprit - Class 9 09/29/24 Fruit of the Sprit - Class 9 Billy Harrington N/A Bible Study (Alternate) 2024-09-29_Billy_Harrington_Class.mp3
Romans 1 09/25/24 Romans 1 Mark Roberts N/A Wednesday Night 2024-09-25_-_Romans_1.mp3
Fruit of  the Spirit - Class 8 09/25/24 Fruit of the Spirit - Class 8 Billy Harrington N/A Bible Study (Alternate) 2024-09-25_-_Fruit_of_the_Spirit_-_Class_8.mp3
Fruit of the Spirit - Class 7 09/22/24 Fruit of the Spirit - Class 7 Billy Harrington N/A Bible Study (Alternate) 2024-09-22_-_Gifts_of_the_Spirit_-_Class_6.mp3
Exodus 35 09/22/24 Exodus 35 Mark Roberts N/A Bible Study (Mark's class) 2024-09-22_Exodus_35_-_Mark_Roberts.mp3
From Grace to Glory: Growing in Love 09/18/24 From Grace to Glory: Growing in Love Mark Roberts N/A Bible Study (Mark's class) 2024-09-18_-_From_Grace_to_Glory_-_Growing_in_Love.mp3
Fruit of Spirit - Class 6 09/18/24 Fruit of Spirit - Class 6 Billy Harrington N/A Wednesday Night 2024-09-18_-_Fruit_of_the_Spirit_-_Class_6.mp3
Fruit of the Spirit - Class 5 09/15/24 Fruit of the Spirit - Class 5 Billy Harrington N/A Bible Study (Alternate) 2024-09-15_Billy_Harrington_Class.mp3

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